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Plans and organizes different kinds of picks, including picks with lines from several orders or assignment of picks to particular employees.

For more information, see Vorgehensweise: Kommissionierungen im Vorschlag bearbeiten.

Picking for warehouse shipment of items that are assembled to the sales order being shipped follows the same steps as for regular warehouse picks for shipment, as described in this topic. However, the number of pick lines per quantity to ship may be many to one because you pick the components, not the assembly item.

The warehouse pick lines are created for the value in the Restmenge field on the lines of the assembly order that is linked to the sales order line that is being shipped. This ensures that all components are picked in one action.

For more information, see Handling Assemble-to-Order Items in Warehouse Shipments.

For information about picking components for assembly orders generally, including situations where the assembly item is not due on a sales shipment, see Vorgehensweise: Kommissionierung für interne Arbeitsgänge in der erweiterten Lagerhaltung.


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