You must add a new payment method to support credit card payments. You specify payment methods for customers, and you also specify in which way an invoice is paid. In this procedure, you create a new payment method for credit card payments.
To set up a credit card payment method
In the Search box, enter Payment Methods, and then choose the related link.
On the Home tab, in the New group, choose New to create a new payment method.
Enter the following information.
Feld Beschreibung Code
Enter a name for the payment method, such as CREDITCARD.
Enter descriptive text, such as Payment by credit card.
Bal. Account Type
Select Bank Account.
Bal. Account No.
Select the related balancing account number.
Payment Processor
Select Dynamics Online.
Choose the OK button to close the page.
You can now use the new payment method when a customer wants to pay by credit card. If the customer frequently pays by credit card, then you can select the code you have created for credit card as the default payment method on the customer card. If the customer only occasionally pays by credit card, then you can select credit card as the payment method on the specific sales order.
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