If a business scenario requires a workflow event or a workflow response that is not supported in a Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution, you must implement it by customizing the application code.
In the Workflow window, the workflow administrator creates a workflow by listing the involved steps on the lines. Each step consists of a workflow event, moderated by event conditions, and a workflow response, customized by response options. You define workflow steps by filling fields on workflow lines from fixed lists of event and response values representing scenarios that are supported by the application code. For more information, see So wird's gemacht: Erstellen von Workflows in Application Help.
The following procedure describes how to add a new workflow event and a new workflow response to the application code and then register the involved object relations, so that the new elements can be used in workflows. The workflow administrator can then select the new workflow event and response from the Workflow window to incorporate them in new or existing workflow steps.
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To ensure that custom workflow records are upgraded correctly, you must add new workflow events, workflow responses, and workflow table relations to dedicated extension points, as described in this procedure. During an upgrade to the next version, the libraries of workflow events, responses, and table relations are removed and then recreated with the latest content from Microsoft. By adding your custom workflow records using subscriptions to the Microsoft-provided extension points, you ensure that your custom record library gets recreated after an upgrade. |
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This topic refers to two types of events:
The development work involved in creating a new workflow event and a related workflow response consists of the following tasks, as a minimum:
Creating a workflow event
Creating a workflow event code that identifies the workflow event
Adding the workflow event code to the Workflow Event table
Creating and publishing an event that the workflow event subscribes to
Raising the event
Subscribing to the event and implement the workflow event
Creating a workflow event code that identifies the workflow event
Creating a workflow response
Creating a workflow response code that identifies the workflow response
Adding the workflow response code to the Workflow Response table
Implementing the workflow response
Enabling that the workflow response can be executed
Adding a new workflow response option
Creating a workflow response code that identifies the workflow response
Registering workflow event/response combinations needed for the new workflow response
Registering workflow event hierarchies needed for the new workflow event
Creating table relations between entities used when the new workflow event and response are used
Adding a FactBox that shows how a record participates in a workflow
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Data and code samples in this procedure refer loosely to a workflow step of sending a notification when a purchase header is posted. However, the procedure alone does not result in a complete solution. |
To follow similar steps in a data-driven demo script with screenshots, see the “Build Your Own Workflow Event” demo script, which is available on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 readiness landing page.
Creating a Workflow Event
Create a code to identify the workflow event, add the workflow event to the library, create an event that the workflow event subscribes to, raise the event, and then subscribe to the event and implement the workflow event.
To create a workflow event code that identifies the workflow event
Create a new codeunit that will be used for new workflow events. Name it to reflect that it is used to identify the new workflow event, such as My Workflow Events. For more information, see How to: Create a Codeunit.
Create a global function in the codeunit. Name the function to reflect that it is used to identify the workflow event, such as MyWorkflowEventCode. For more information, see How to: Add a Function to a Codeunit.
Open the C/AL Locals window to add a local return value. For more information, see C/AL Locals.
On the Return Value tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Return Type Length Code
To add the workflow event code to the Workflow Event table
Create another function in the codeunit. Name it to reflect that it is used to add the workflow event to the library, such as AddMyWorkflowEventsToLibrary.
In the Properties window, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Property Value Event
Codeunit Workflow Event Handling
Open the C/AL Locals window to add a local variable.
On the Variables tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype WorkflowEventHandling
Workflow Event Handling
In the function, write code that handles the event, such as the following code.
Code kopieren
WorkflowEventHandling.AddEventToLibrary(MyWorkflowEventCode,DATABASE::”Purchase Header”,’A purchase header is posted.’,0,FALSE);
To create and publish an event that the workflow event subscribes to
Create a function in the codeunit where you want to raise the event, such as the Purch.-Post codeunit. Name the function to reflect that it is used as the publisher event, such as OnAfterPostPurchaseHeader.
In the Properties window, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Property Value Event
Select the event type that is relevant for the workflow event, such as Integration. For more information, see Event Types.
Open the C/AL Locals window to add a local parameter.
On the Parameters tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype Purchase Header
Purchase Header
For more information, see Publishing Events.
To raise the event
Go to the code in your solution where you want to raise the event, such as the Purch.-Post codeunit.
In the function, write code that raises the event, such as the following code.
Code kopieren
For more information, see Raising Events.
To subscribe to the event and implement the workflow event
Create another function in the codeunit where you created the identification code, MyWorkflowEventCode. Name the function to reflect that it is used to subscribe to and implement the workflow event, such as RunWorkflowOnAfterPostPurchaseHeader.
In the Properties window, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Property Value Event
Select the object that contains the definition of the added event, such as the Purch.-Post codeunit.
Choose Yes to overwrite your local parameters with the event parameters.
Open the C/AL Locals window to add a local variable.
On the Variables tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype WorkflowManagement
Workflow Management
In the function, write code that handles the event, such as the following code.
Code kopieren
Another task that you can perform at this point is to specify which filter fields appear in the Ereignisbedingungen window. For more information, see Dynamische Anfrageseite - Entität.
For more information, see Subscribing to Events.
You have now created a new workflow event. Proceed to create a new workflow response that relates to the workflow event.
Creating a Workflow Response
Create a code to identify the workflow response, add the workflow response code to the library, implement the workflow response, and then enable that the workflow response can be executed.
To create a workflow response code that identifies the workflow response
Create a new codeunit that will be used for the new workflow responses. Name it to reflect that it handles your new responses, such My Workflow Responses.
Create a function in the codeunit. Name the function to reflect that it is used to identify the workflow response, such as MyWorkflowResponseCode.
Open the C/AL Locals window to add a local return value.
On the Return Value tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Return Type Length Code
To add the workflow response code to the Workflow Response table
Create another function in the codeunit. Name it to reflect that it is used to add the workflow response to the library, such as AddMyWorkflowResponsesToLibrary.
In the Properties window, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Property Value Event
Codeunit Workflow Response Handling
Open the C/AL Locals window to add a local variable.
On the Variables tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype WorkflowResponseHandling
Workflow Response Handling
In the function, write code that registers the response, such as the following code.
Code kopieren
WorkflowResponseHandling.AddResponseToLibrary(MyWorkflowResponseCode,DATABASE::"Purchase Header",'Send a notification.','GROUP 0')
In the “To add a new workflow response option” procedure, you will change the GROUP value to, for example, 50000.
To implement the workflow response
Create another function in the codeunit. Name it to reflect that it is used to implement the workflow response, such as MyWorkflowResponse.
Open the C/AL Locals window to add a local parameter.
On the Parameters tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype Purchase Header
Select the relevant record, such as Purchase Header table.
In the function, write code that handles the response, such as the following code.
Code kopieren
To enable that the workflow response can be executed
Create another function in the codeunit. Name it to reflect that it is used to enable the new workflow response to be executed alongside existing workflow responses, such as ExecuteMyWorkflowResponses.
In the Properties window, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Property Value Event
Codeunit Workflow Response Handling
Choose Yes to overwrite your local parameters with the event parameters.
In the function, write code that enables the response, such as the following code.
Code kopieren
IF WorkflowResponse.GET(ResponseWorkflowStepInstance."Function Name") THEN CASE WorkflowResponse."Function Name" OF MyWFResponseCode: BEGIN MyWorkflowResponse(Variant); ResponseExecuted := TRUE; END; END;
To add a new workflow response option
Open table 1523, Workflowschritt-Argument, in design mode.
Add a field that reflects your new response option, such as My New Response Option. For more information, see How to: Add Fields to a Table.
Open page 1523, Workflowreaktionsoptionen, in design mode.
Add a group and a control for the new field.
For the Visibility property of the group, enter, for example,
"Response Option Group" = 'GROUP 50000'
.Open the AddMyWorkflowResponsesToLibrary function.
In the function code, change
to‘GROUP 50000’
.To make sure that the new workflow response is updated, delete the Send a notification. response from the Workflowreaktion table.
To use the new option in the MyWorkflowResponse function, proceed to add a local parameter and a local variable.
Open the C/AL Locals window to add a local parameter and a local variable.
On the Parameters tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype WorkflowStepInstance
Workflow Step Instance
On the Variables tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype WorkflowStepArgument
Workflow Step Argument
In the function, write code that enables the response, such as the following code:
Code kopieren
IF WorkflowStepArgument.GET(WorkflowStepInstance.Argument) THEN;
You now have access to your new field on the Workflowschritt-Argument table that you can use as a workflow response option.
In the ExecuteMyWorkflowResponses function, make the following code change:
Change from this code:
Change to this code:
You have now created the actual workflow event and response. Proceed to perform various tasks that enable them to be used in workflows.
Registering Workflow Event/Response Combinations Needed for the New Workflow Response
Add new workflow event/response combinations to the WF-Ereignis-/Reaktionskombination table so that they appear correctly in the Workflowereignisse and Workflowreaktionen windows.
To register workflow event/response combinations needed for the new workflow response
Open the codeunit that you created in the “To create a workflow response” procedure, My Workflow Responses.
Create another function in the codeunit. Name it to reflect that it is used to add the workflow event/response combinations to the WF-Ereignis-/Reaktionskombination table, such as AddMyWorkflowEventResponseCombinationsToLibrary.
In the Properties window, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Property Value Event
Codeunit Workflow Response Handling
Choose Yes to overwrite your local parameters with the event parameters.
Open the C/AL Locals window to add two local variables.
On the Variables tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype MyWorkflowEvents
My Workflow Events
Workflow Response Handling
In the function, write code that registers event/response combinations that you want to support in your application, using a CASE statement, such as the following code.
Code kopieren
CASE ResponseFunctionName OF MyWorkflowResponseCode: WorkflowResponseHandling.AddResponsePredecessor(MyWorkflowResponseCode,MyWorkflowEvents.MyWorkflowEventCode); END;
You can also do this work from the user interface. For more information, see Workflowereignis-/Reaktionskombinationen.
Registering Workflow Event Hierarchies Needed for the New Workflow Event
Add new workflow event/event combinations to the WF-Ereignis-/Reaktionskombination table so that they workflow events appear in the correct hierarchy in the Workflowereignisse window.
To register workflow event hierarchies needed for the new workflow event
Open the codeunit that you created in the “To create a workflow event” procedure, My Workflow Events.
Create another function in the codeunit. Name it to reflect that it is used to add the workflow event hierarchies to the WF-Ereignis-/Reaktionskombination table, such as AddWorkflowEventHierarchiesToLibrary.
In the Properties window, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Property Value Event
Codeunit Workflow Event Handling
Choose Yes to overwrite your local parameters with the event parameters.
Open the C/AL Locals window to add a local variable.
On the Variables tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype WorkflowEventHandling
Workflow Event Handling
To make sure that the new workflow event is updated, delete the A purchase header is posted. event from the Workflowereignis table.
In the function, write code that registers event hierarchies that you want to support in your application, using a CASE statement, such as the following code.
Code kopieren
CASE EventFunctionName OF MyWorkflowEventCode: WorkflowEventHandling.AddEventPredecessor(MyWorkflowEventCode,WorkflowEventHandling.[your desired predecessor event code]); END;
You can also do this work from the user interface. For more information, see Workflowereignishierarchien.
Creating Table Relations Between Entities Used when the New Workflow Event and Response are Used
Workflows events can be executed on different types of records. To keep track of these, you must define relations between the involved records.
To create table relations between entities that are processed when the new workflow event and response are used in workflows
Open the codeunit that you created in the “To create a workflow event” procedure, My Workflow Events.
Create another function in the codeunit. Name it to reflect that it is used add workflow table relations in the Workflow - Tabellenrelation table, such as AddWorkflowTableRelationsToLibrary.
In the Properties window, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Property Value Event
Codeunit Workflow Event Handling
Open the C/AL Locals window to add a local variable.
On the Variables tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype WorkflowSetup
Workflow Setup
To make sure that the new workflow event is updated, delete the A purchase header is posted. event from the Workflowereignis table.
In the function, write code that registers table relations that you want to support in your application, such as the following code.
Code kopieren
WorkflowSetup.InsertTableRelation(DATABASE::”Purchase Header”,1,DATABASE::”Approval Entry”,2);
You can also do this work from the user interface. For more information, see Workflow - Tabellenrelationen.
Adding a FactBox that Shows How a Record Participates in a Workflow
Add a FactBox to relevant pages so that users can view when and how the new workflow event and response participate in workflows for records shown on the page.
To add a FactBox that shows how a record participates in a workflow
Open, in design mode, the page from where users need to see related workflows that use the new workflow event and response.
Add a FactBox. Name it WorkflowStatus. For more information, see How to: Add a FactBox to a Page.
Open the C/AL Globals window to add a global variable.
On the Variables tab, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Name DataType Subtype ShowWorkflowStatus
To make the FactBox visible, in the Properties window, fill the fields as described in the following table.
Property Value Visible
On the page, add the following code to the OnAfterGetCurrentRecord function to make the FactBox find the workflow that relates to the record.
Code kopieren
ShowWorkflowStatus := CurrPage.WorkflowStatus.PAGE.SetFilterOnWorkflowRecord(RECORDID);
You have now enabled a new workflow scenario by implementing the required workflow event and response in the application code. The workflow administrator can now select the workflow event and workflow response from the Workflow window to define new or edit existing workflows. For more information, see So wird's gemacht: Erstellen von Workflows.